Abbotsleigh Christian Fellowship
The Abbotsleigh Christian Fellowship is a group of Christian parents and teachers who pray for the School community. The aim of the prayer group is to bring the diverse needs of the girls and their School before God. We also pray for the Headmistress, Council, Leadership Team, Staff and all the Abbotsleigh family. The group aims to be a positive, supportive and encouraging influence in the School.
ACF meets once a term with times and venues advertised in the School’s newsletter, The Shuttle. Normally, we meet in person in the mornings at the School in Terms 1 and 4, and via Zoom in the evenings in Terms 2 and 3. Please contact the School Chaplains, Rev Sarah Hobba and Rev Polly Butterworth, Ms Alison Soper or Ms Charlotte Galea, if you would like more information.