The purpose of the APA is to promote friendship within the Abbotsleigh community through year group and whole school events. The APA also provides opportunities for parents and staff to get together and meet others who take a similar interest in the School’s and their daughter’s welfare.
Volunteer year representatives in each year group organise lunches, morning teas and other events for the parents of that year. These events are a great way for parents to meet on a casual basis and build connections and friendships.
The APA also organises larger social events, some of which generate valuable funds that are directed back to the School for projects to benefit students, parents and teachers. Each year, the APA proudly provides financial and other support for School events such as wellbeing seminars.
APA meetings are held each term in either the Senior or Junior School. All parents are automatically members of the Association and are warmly welcomed to meetings.
To find out more about the APA, volunteering and getting involved, please contact the School’s Community Relations Manager or refer to the Abbotsleigh Parents’ Association Handbook in the parent portal.
Child Protection Policy and Working With Children Check
At Abbotsleigh, the safety and welfare of our students is of paramount importance. The School requires all adults engaging with the girls to have a Working With Children Check (WWCC) clearance.
This includes all parents of children enrolled at Abbotsleigh who volunteer at the school, or who participate in excursions. This includes but is not limited to parents who volunteer at sporting events, in the tuckshop, in the library, in the classroom and on excursions. This clearance is also needed by parents coming into the school for events where children are participating such as APA, APR and school organised events.
Because we are committed to maintaining strong parent engagement within our school community, we ask all parents working in such capacities to obtain a voluntary Working With Children Check clearance. The voluntary WWCC is obtained free of charge via the following simple process:
- Complete the application at the Services NSW website.
- Once your application is assessed, Services NSW will email you your WWCC clearance number.
- Email your WWCC clearance number, your date of birth and the WWCC clearance expiry date to for Senior School parents and for Junior School parents.
Please note that these checks can take up to four weeks to process, so plan accordingly.