The Council of Abbotsleigh consists of the following members:
President | The Very Reverend Kanishka Raffel Archbishop of Sydney and Metropolitan of New South Wales BA(Hons) LLB BD(Hons) DipMin MA |
Chair | Ms L Ellis, BEc LLB(Hons) FAICD ATCL |
Treasurer | Mr R Dring, BEc FCA GAICD |
Council Members | Rev Dr R Chilton, BCom LLB MDiv DPhil DipA(Theol) OAM Mrs J Cochrane, BEc LLB(Hons) FAICD Ms J Davidson BA(Hons) LLB LLM Dr C Janssen, MBBS MBA FAICD Dr J Lim, BSc(Med) MBBS FRACGP DCH Mr A Loel, DipLaw Ms B Matthews, BEc MCom CFA MAICD Ms B McGuinness, BEc LLB AMusA GAICD Mrs J Robinson, MEd BA DipEd OAM Ms M Southwick, BLArch(Hons) ExecMSc in Cities CPPD MAIPM GAICD Mr J Ward, BA MA DipTech MAICD MDIA |
Our School motto
Tempus celerius radio fugit – time flies faster than a weaver’s shuttle
Our motto represents the rich tapestry that is Abbotsleigh:
The ‘warp’ (the lengthwise threads) represents our strong foundations: our Christian faith, our moral purpose and our strong values and culture.
The ‘weft’ represents the woven pattern created by the weaver’s flying shuttle where the beautiful tapestry of Abbotsleigh’s rich and complex history continues to grow: day by day, month by month, year by year.
The motto was given to the School by Miss Marian Clarke, whose family’s crest was a weaver’s shuttle and whose family’s motto was: ‘Time flies faster than a weaver’s shuttle.’