
Roslyn Kean
Along the Way

Along the Way
Roslyn Kean

Recognised nationally and internationally for her exquisite woodblock prints

21 June to 22 July 2023

Opened on Saturday 24 June by Akky van Ogtrop, President Print Council of Australia

1 July  Conversation with Sasha Grishin AM, art historian, art critic and curator and Rhonda Davis, Senior Curator Macquarie University Art Gallery.

Along the Way offers a unique opportunity to experience five decades of the remarkable career of Roslyn Kean.

Commencing her practice in the 1970s with a love of design and calligraphy, Kean developed techniques as a screen printer, but it was after 1985 that her expertise in the Japanese Mokuhanga technique led to her to primarily work in the traditional woodblock method. The exhibition presents a continuum in Kean’s art with works that evidence:

Intricate colour theory paintings during her early study in Sydney,

Study and part time lecturing at the Slade Art School in London and the development of her photographic screen prints with scenes from her travels in the Sahara
Desert and Iceland

The impact on her ideas from her 1985 Monbusho research fellowship related to learnings about the traditional woodblock method in Japan.
Her expertise led to the 2017 Keiko Kadoko Print Award for International recognition for exceptional expression of Mokuhanga technique

Influence from her visit to Tibet and a desire to capture the spirit of a place, and the integration of gold and blue

Residency and teaching in Canberra at the Institute of the Arts Printmaking Workshop, working along side Jorg Schmeisser

Establishing the Stables Print Studio in Glebe, then Galston – for personal practice and teaching

Success in international competitions such as the prize at the 12th Norwegian International Print Triennale 1999 and the International Print Triennial Krakow 2015

Her most recent woodblock prints exploring light, shadow and space with as sense of inner order

Along the Way highlights the consistency of Kean’s unique style. It offers insight into the excellence of her technical skill, her sensitivity to the quality of paper and her pleasure in creating multi-layered prints with allusions to culture, to place, to light and to space.

Roslyn Kean website

(Image above: Night Rain–Softly Falling, 2013, U/S, woodblock and ink drawing, 76 x 95 cm


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Along the Way Media Release Download PDF
Along the Way Catalogue Download PDF
Along the Way Artwork list Download PDF
Along the Way Learning Resource Download PDF


Images courtesy and © the artist

Installation photography Richard Glover


Images courtesy and © the artist

Photography Irena Conomos