
Stephen Hall


A survey of works from Stephen Hall

23 June to 22 July 2022

Opening Thursday 24 June with Rod Holdaway.

Stephen Hall is an artist with strong associations for the local area and connections with the Grace Cossington Smith Galley.  His practice is varied, encompassing painting, mixed media works on paper, drawing, artists’ books, sculpture, ceramics and printmaking. However, it is drawing that forms the underlying thread of his work.

The concepts he explores contain the deeply personal and the universal, expanding on facts and fantasies relating to Australia, the world, man and the mind. He is inspired by avant-garde literature, music, opera, art history, creativity, religion, Australian Identity and our current tumultuous times.

Stephen is regularly visiting the exhibition and please join him on the following occasions:

Friday 8 July at 11.30 ‘Unearthed’ – Hall will discuss his work and ideas

Saturday 16 July 11.30 am book reading

Thursday 21 July 1.10pm – lunchtime talk

(Image above: Hawkesbury Minotaur, 2021, acrylic, gouache, pastel, charcoal on cotton paper, 168 x 151 cm)


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Images courtesy and © the artist

Installation photography Richard Glover