


5 June to 13 July 2019

Steven Cavanagh, Maryanne Coutts, Ben Denham, Euan Heng, Paul Higgs, Gabriella Hirst, Lisa Jones, Alex Karakonji, Skelton&Conway, Ken Smith

Curated by Dr Maryanne Coutts, Head of Drawing National Art School Sydney

Electricity is an exhibition exploring the impact of this wonderful resource on the creative processes of drawing.  It presents the work of artists whose deep interests in drawing are assisted by electricity and consequently consider the nature of drawing as an interface between human experience and technology.


Image above: Euan Heng a.elephant, 2010, Neon tube, plinth and dome 100 x 26 x 8 cm, elephant 59 x 49 cm
Represented by Niagara Galleries, Melbourne

Related downloads
Electricity Media Release Download PDF
Electricity Catalogue Download PDF
Electricity Room Sheet Download PDF
Electricity Learning Resource Download PDF


Images courtesy and © the artists

Installation photography Richard Glover