Living With Art
Living With Art
Selected art and acquisitions by Margaret and Tony Tuckson
22 March to 3 May 2014
Margaret and Tony Tuckson were married in 1943 and from the outset were united by a love of art. When they admired and enjoyed works they acquired them through purchase or by swapping their own art, Tony his paintings, Margaret her ceramic pots. This unique exhibition provides insight into the art that inspired the Tuckson family and a glimpse at the artworks they created.
The exhibition includes works by: John Armstrong, Deborah Beck, Lydia Burak, John Davis, Sue Ford, Klaus Friedeberger, Gwyn Hanssen Pigott, Hilary Kelman, Judith King, Robert Klippel, Richard Glover, Phillip Gudthay Kudthay, Colin Lanceley, Richard McMillan, Janet Mansfield, Mawulan Marika, Wandjuk Marika, Clement Meadmore, Joseph Mudjidell, Chris O’Doherty, Chico Monks, Malina Monks, Bob Parr, Jon Plapp, Peter Rushforth, Bernard Sahm, Bill Samuels, Thancoupie and Guy Warren as well as unknown Aboriginal and Oceanic artists.
Image above: Tony Tuckson, Untitled (Family Group No 1), 1955-1957, oil wash and charcoal on paper,
76.3 x 101.5 cm represented by Watters Gallery, Sydney
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Living With Art Media Release | Download PDF |
Living With Art Catalogue | Download PDF |
Photographs copyright Richard Glover