
Ruth Burgess
The Music of the Planets

Ruth Burgess

The Music of the Planets
1 April to 8 May 2021

The artist will be present on Saturday 10 April 2-4 pm

Forum Saturday 17 April 2.30-3.30 pm with Anne Ryan and Katrina Cashman

Sydney printmaker Ruth Burgess is a leading force in the Australian printmaking scene. Through the medium of large format multi block woodcuts, engravings and poetry, The Music of the Planets reveals the amazing breadth of her work.

In the Music of the Planets Ruth Burgess draws inspiration from music composed in response to the astronomer Johannes Kepler’s discovery of planetary motion and the sounds that exists between the planets. His ‘Harmonicus Mundi’ (The Harmony of the World, 1619), describes the movements of the planets and the speed of their elliptical paths transcribed into tones. Through imagination, which is also the tool of scientists, Burgess evokes the images of the planets and other planetary bodies through her medium of woodcut.


Image above: The Milky Way Nebulae 2, 2020, multi-block woodcut, on Shinano/Kozo paper, unique state


Related downloads
The Music of the Planets Media Release Download PDF
The Music of the Planets Catalogue Download PDF
The Music of the Planets Work list Download PDF
The Music of the Planets Ruth Burgess Poems Download PDF
The Music of the Planets Profile – Observer Download PDF
The Music of the Planets Learning Resource Download PDF


Images courtesy and © the artist

Installation photography Richard Glover