


Closed due to Sydney COVID19 lockdown

Louise Allerton, Laura Badertscher, Sarah Edmondson, Ian Greig, Blake Griffiths, Kirtika Kain, Heidi Melamed, Rebecca Shanahan, Stuart Smith and Tom Yousif

re)arrangements brings the artists together in an exhibition that explores the repurposing, reuse, recycling and reinterpretation of photographic imagery, images collected from the Internet, magazines, films, personal and public archives, studio walls, their own work and other works of art.

These artists rearrange form or idea, seeking new intent by repurposing an existing one. A car part found by the roadside turned 3D glyph; a repainted detail from an early 20th century naturist magazine; an abstracted fragment of a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device: (re)arrangements explores how strategies of redeployment and recontextualization can generate new ways of seeing and understanding. (Chloé Wolifson)


Related downloads
(re)arrangements Media Release Download PDF
(re)arrangements Catalogue Download PDF
(re)arrangements Learning Resource Download PDF



Images courtesy and © the artists

Installation photography Richard Glover