Senior School clubs and activities
In Senior School, students may join teacher-led and student-led clubs and activities. At Abbotsleigh, these are typically enrichment-focused, providing opportunities for girls to learn or further develop skills and interests, examples of which include World Vision, Amnesty, chess, knitting, cryptic crosswords and cooking.
Through these clubs, student can contribute to the school community, wider community projects or groups that may require fundraising efforts, sponsorship or help in raising awareness. The clubs listed below are just some of the clubs and enrichment activities on offer at Abbotsleigh.
Senior School
Agriculture Club
The Agriculture Club aims to encourage all girls to become involved in a range of agricultural activities including chicken and gardening programs and other exciting outdoor learning experiences.
Amnesty Club
The Amnesty International Club was formed by students concerned about violation of human rights. The Amnesty Club is open to all students in the Senior School. Club members meet to discuss human rights issues, participate in human rights campaigns and raise money to support Amnesty International.
Chess Club
The Chess Club welcomes any girl from Years 7–12 who likes to play chess or who would like to learn how to play. Chess sets (available from the RISC) can be used during any lunchtime. Members and friends are welcome to play in the RISC or outside on the lawn. Abbotsleigh enters teams in the NSW Secondary Schools Chess Teams Competition during Term 2 and the NSW Interschool Girls’ Chess Teams Challenge in Term 3. Tournaments both in school and between schools in the local area may also occur towards the end of the year. The Chess Club enjoys the expertise of a coach on Mondays, and offers online classes prepared by the Sydney Academy of Chess.

CRU seeks to encourage, nurture, and help girls grow in their faith. All girls are welcome, whether they are investigating the Christian faith or have already decided to follow Jesus. CRU for Years 7–10 meets on Thursday at lunchtimes with senior leaders guiding fellowship and encouragement through games, Bible reading and prayer. This gathering across year groups helps to promote broad friendships. CRU for Years 11–12 is on Mondays and offers an opportunity for senior girls to explore the Bible deeply together. In addition to the weekly meetings, there is a combined Abbotsleigh-Shore School CRU weekend away in June. Interschool CRU meetings are also held throughout the year, providing opportunities for girls to get together with students from other schools. CRU also runs leadership camps in addition to a wide range of recreational and study camps.
da Vinci Decathlon
Teams from Years 7–11 train and compete in a one-day competition across 10 categories: English, science, mathematics, engineering, art and poetry, creative producers, ideation, cartography, code breaking and general knowledge. Participation is by invitation.
Embrace Global
Embrace Global is a group of girls who are international students or whose families live globally. We aim to build a social network where our members can exchange ideas, food and culture. Our members encourage each other to be confident in their own skills and offer their unique gifts and ideas to enrich the Abbotsleigh community.
Fairtrade Club
Abbotsleigh Fairtrade Club supports producers in the developing world through the promotion and sale of Fairtrade products at lunchtime and at some school events. By requiring companies to pay sustainable prices, Fairtrade addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which traditionally discriminates against the poorest weakest producers. Members of Fairtrade gain experience in educating their peers, sourcing products and retail, advertising, running a small business and contributing to the reduction of global inequality.
Interact Club
Interact is an integral part of Rotary International and is for students who wish to volunteer their time and aid local, national and international projects. The word Interact stands for ‘international action’. The Rotarians from the Hornsby District Club provide the club members with sponsorship and guidance. The club has an annual commitment to support a person at the Ryder Cheshire Home in East Timor and to assist Studio Artes at Hornsby, as well as choosing a project of their own. The club welcomes any students in Years 10 and 11 and encourages creative and innovative fundraising schemes to support these initiatives.

Mana Allawah Club
Mana Allawah (Darug for ‘get together’) is a club that centres around Indigenous culture and issues with a focus on education and reconciliation. Through an exploration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities locally and nationally, we hope to share stories, knowledge and experiences.
Oaktree Club
Oaktree is young people leading, demanding and creating a more just world. The mission of the club is to empower developing communities through education in a way that is more sustainable. Abbotsleigh’s Oaktree Club is involved in supporting Oaktree initiatives throughout the year.
The Freedom Project
Slavery is a modern problem around the world and takes many forms. That is why the Freedom Project as an organisation exists. They are on the ground, helping to bring hope, healing and freedom to those who have been oppressed and taken advantage of. As a club, we raise awareness, money and listen to inspiring speakers, partnering with the Freedom Project, a faith-based initiative from a local church in Sydney to make a difference in the world around us.
The Weaver Club
The Weaver is the Abbotsleigh year book, which is distributed to all students every year. It is produced by a team of writers, editors, artists, photographers and graphic designers who coordinate and edit material that reflects the activities of the whole school, from Kindergarten to Year 12. The Weaver Club meets in the second half of each term and encourages contributions from every Abbotsleigh student. Original artwork, poems, reports, photographs and other creative written expressions can be submitted.

World Vision Club
The World Vision club works actively throughout the year to raise awareness of global needs. It also promotes the 40 Hour Famine and provides support through the Child Sponsorship program.
Z Club
The Z Club is supported by the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai branch of Zonta International and works to advance the status of women worldwide. The club holds awareness raising activities regarding issues faced by women and fundraises to support various charities. These include the Northern Beaches Women’s Shelter, Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Women’s Shelter, The Somaly Mam Foundation and the Birthing Kit Foundation Australia.